101 Things in 1001 Days

Walking With God - {in progress/finished!}

  1. Start and faithfully keep a prayer journal - at least one entry a week
  2. Keep daily quiet times with God, even if it's just 10 minutes
  3. Become a monthly donor for my undergrad IV staff workers
  4. Pray regularly for my friends and who are not believers
  5. Memorize 10 Bible verses
  6. Read through the entire Bible
  7. Pray BIG with the expectation that God will answer in His time

Family, Friends & Relationships

  1. Faithfully write a letter to my grandma once every month
  2. Visit a friend who doesn't live in my city once a month
  3. Call a friend who doesn't live close enough to visit once a month
  4. Find a date for my sister's wedding! - August 6, 2011
  5. Spend some quality time with my brother
  6. Take Ebby for a walk every time I go home
  7. Get together and spend quality time with friends even after they're married
  8. See how far back I can trace my family history and document it!
  9. Host a dinner party
  10. Have a sleepover!
  11. Have a Chicago day with Amanda
  12. Do a Cedarburg day with my mom
  13. Remember to send each of my close friends a birthday card during the week of their birthday!
  14. Have a wine & cheese party with Emily!

School & Career

  1. Finish grad school!
  2. Pay off half of my student loans
  3. Start an Etsy business
  4. Find a job as a children's or YA librarian
  5. Get my own apartment
  6. Join WLA
  7. Donate to World Vision for Haiti relief efforts
  8. Organize my inbox
  9. Create a business plan for my Etsy shop
  10. Get my mom to start an Etsy shop for her digital scrapbooks!
  11. Alphabetize my books
  12. Start and stick to a budget
  13. Update my resume and have it critiqued

Entertainment & Travel

  1. Go back to Florence
  2. Go on a road trip
  3. See an outdoor movie
  4. Go ice-skating (at Tenney Park in Feb!)
  5. Get my nose pierced (maybe)
  6. Get a dog
  7. Try 10 new recipes
  8. Visit Olbrich Gardens
  9. Only go out for coffee once a week (make it at home!) for three months straight
  10. Get an espresso maker and learn how to use it!
  11. Laugh so hard my stomach hurts!
  12. Go on a date with a Christian guy I'm genuinely attracted to
  13. See a concert or show at the PAC
  14. Do a farmer's market photo shoot
  15. Sort through every single item of clothing I own and donate what I don't wear to Goodwill
  16. Take an Irish dancing class
  17. Join a church choir
  18. Go camping & roast marshmallows
  19. Finish the Lord of the Rings series
  20. Take a photography trip with my mom
  21. Go to the beach
  22. Go to an art museum
  23. Do the Pride & Prejudice tour of England
  24. Catch up on podcasts
  25. Go hear some live music
  26. Go dress shopping with my sister
  27. Finish a NY Times crossword puzzle
  28. Get a french manicure
  29. Buy rainboots
  30. Invest in an Anthropologie dress
  31. Subscribe to a magazine
  32. Go to NYC with my sister
  33. Get a wii and have a wii party!
  34. Read Persuasion by Jane Austen
  35. Host a movie night
  36. Visit the Redwood forest in California
  37. Actually practice playing guitar
  38. Have a bonfire on a beach
  39. Go to a Brewers game
  40. Tour a vineyard
  41. Stay up all night and watch the sunrise
  42. Build a snowman
  43. Keep a plant alive for more than a month
  44. Do a cartwheel!
  45. Visit the zoo and bring my camera along
  46. Invest in some long underwear
  47. Find a set of teacups
  48. Go to a flea market
  49. Go on a bike ride
  50. Fix my Amy Butler bag
  1. Write and illustrate a children's book
  2. Finish the 3 knitting projects that I have going now!
  3. Learn to oil paint
  4. Take one photo a day for two consecutive months and make a book out of my favorites
  5. Learn Adobe Photoshop
  6. Learn Adobe Illustrator
  7. Create wedding gifts for Katie & EJ (May 1, 2010), Amanda & David (November 20, 2010), and Emilie & Luke (August 6, 2011)
  8. Make at least one project from each craft book I've bought
  9. Finish my Italy scrapbook
  10. Start a new scrapbook!
  11. Keep up my sketchbook - one new drawing every month (Feb. & March done!)
  12. Get a sewing machine!
  13. Get my own room for all this crafty-ness
  14. Go to a craft show
  15. Bake something from scratch (banana chocolate chip bread! and it turned out pretty darn good if I say so myself!)
  16. Mat and frame my prints
  17. Experiment with printmaking again